Acting President

Section: I. CADM-100
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 2/14/12
Last Review:
Last Revision: 2/10/12
Prior Revisions: 11/24/08, 8/1/10
Initial Adoption: unknown


a) In those cases when the President of the College is unavailable to conduct college business, the President shall appoint an executive officer to conduct the business of the President in his/her absence.  The acting president shall be a member of the executive staff and appointed in the order designated below. The executive officer will receive a stipend for each day served as Acting President.


b) In those cases where the President is available by phone or other means to perform college business but unable to provide signatures on time-sensitive documents, the President shall appoint signatory authority only to an executive officer to sign documents in his/her absence.  The acting president shall be a member of the executive staff and appointed in the order designated below. The Acting President for signatory authority only will not receive a monetary stipend.

  1. Executive Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs
  2. Vice President for Administrative Services
  3. Vice President for Student Services
  4. Vice President for Institutional Advancement


To ensure that the operations of the college can proceed in the absence of the President.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

Executive Staff, President’s Office, Human Resources and Business Office.


Former Board Policy #2.2060


The absence of the President is defined as:

a) He/she being out of the city or state for one or more days and unavailable to conduct college business. The Acting President has full powers.


b) He/she being out of the office and able to conduct business by phone or other means, but unavailable to provide signatures on time-sensitive documents. The Acting President has signatory authority only.


The Executive Assistant to the President shall determine when the President is planning to be absent whether an Acting President is required. The President will assign Acting President status to the appropriate executive staff member depending on availability. Notification of Acting President is then relayed to Executive Staff, Human Resources, and the Business Office.

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